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Kenneth Miles Has devoted his life to helping students improve their lifestyle, get a good education, and graduate with a degree in something that they love.


Kenneth Miles, LSU’s Executive Director of the Cox Communications Academic Center for Athletes and assistant vice chancellor, attended a press. conference on tuesday and talked to us about student athlete academic rates and how his job impacts others lives. “The thing that inspire me to do the thing that i do currently, has to do with all the inequalities that exist within society. There certain things that, in my opinion, are abysmal and you can look the education gap, wealth gap and incarceration numbers.” Miles joined the LSU family in 2008 and ever since then the graduation success rate and football graduation success rate has gradually increased.


He describes himself as “A man for others” and he has portrayed that fully. Miles hopes that in the future that he will continue the improvement of education and the hope for them to graduation.

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